Jumat, 24 Januari 2014

Travelling with Your Lovely Dog

Hi guys!!
In this post I want to share my experience on travelling with my dog.
As doglovers, we want our dog to be included in our journey. However, we have to bear in mind that there are some do's and dont's in travelling with your dog.

Do's :
1. Prepare all of your dog's things, such as :
- Leash, you will need this when you are walking around with your dogs. Dogs are a bit uncontrollable in the crowd. This thing will prevent unfortunate things to happen
- Dog's carrier bag (if your dog is small enough to be carried in a dog's bag). Sometimes, you have to carry your dog. This bag will help you a lot in carrying your dog. Trust me!!
In addition, this bag can also be used to carry all of your dog's stuffs
- Your dog's pillow / blanket (especially if you are travelling to a cold place). Dogs will feel uneasy in a new environment. Its pillow / bed will help him to relax as it is smelling a familiar smell. Furthermore, your dog will need this in a cold place.
- Foods. Always be prepared, since it is not easy to find dog food while travelling, while preparing dog food from our food is not convenient.
- Bowl for your dog's food.
- Wet tissue. We will never know what will happen when travelling. Always prepare a wet tissue to clean your dog in case it plays in dirt or something still sticks on its butt after pooping :p
2. Always check before going :
- Are you allowed to bring your dog to the hotel/inn?
- Are dogs allowed in your travel destination?
3. I suggest that you only take your dog along if you are travelling by your own car. Using public transportation is not recommended!!
4. Stop by in a rest area every 2-3 hours to give your dog a chance to walk around, eat, drink, or even poo.
5. Watch out for the signs given by your dog. If it is crying, it may be want to pee/poo.
6. Bring a plastic bag and old newspaper to pick up your dog's poo / trash.

Dont's :
1. Never ever put your dog in a cage along the journey. It will get sick.
2. Never let your dog running free in the crowds. It can be lost or doing bad things.

That will be all of my suggestion for now. I hope this helps!!
Remember, always be prepared!!! :D

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